domingo, 27 de enero de 2008

Labores de Eternidad

Ancient Egypt was doubly fortunate and doubtless owed to this its fabled wealth, in that it posessed two activities, namely pyramid-building and the search or the precious metals, the fruits of which, since they could not serve the needs of man by being consumed, did not stale with abundance. The Middle Ages built cathedrals and sang dirges. Two pyramids, two masses for the dead are twice as good as one; but not so two railways from London to York.

John Maynard Keynes
The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money

Cuánto me gustaría ahora continuar aquí con el análisis del economista de guardia que, pongamos dentro de tres mil años, comente los dos grandes negocios de nuestra era: el del siglo XX -la carrera de las armas atómicas- y el incipiente del XXI, la llamada "lucha contra el calentamiento global."


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